Chatham Magazine Feature!

We were absolutely thrilled when managing editor Anna-Rhesa Versola came out to the farm to see if we’d be a worthy family farm to feature in the Chatham Magazine. We walked the farm and talked about all things farming, community, and family. I instantly was smitten with her, and you can tell that she really GETS us! The article she ended up writing is AMAZING! I feel so honored and seen reading how she describes our farm and how we function. John Michael Simpson was the photographer that captured the beauty of our farm. It’s always fun to see our farm through the eyes of others. Especially through the eyes of a professional photographer! And I’m thankful we have such a great local magazine to highlight all the great things about Chatham County!

Make sure to read the article about our BFF’s BMC Brewing and the article about our favorite hang out spot The Plant!

CLICK HERE to read our article.